About Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah Visits ( Mazzarat )

The second most holy city in the world after Makkah Al-Mukarramah because there is Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi where prophet Mohamed (PBUH) tomb and house located. Al-Madinah is 210 miles north Makkah and 120 miles from the Red Sea coast.



* Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi *

The Prophet’s Mosque or Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi was the second site built by the Holy Prophet in the first year of Hijra when he emigrated from Makkah to Madinah. The mosque inhabits the tomb of Prophet Muhammad, which can be recognized by a bright green colored dome in the southeast corner of the mosque. This is the second most visited Islamic site after Masjid-Al-Haram in Makkah. Millions of people visit the mosque during their Umrah and Hajj journey and offer their prayers and duaa. It is generally open regardless of time or date.

Abu Huraira (one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad) reported Prophet Muhammad saying: “Prayer in my mosque is more excellent than a thousand prayers observed in other mosques except the Masjid Al-Haram.”



* Quba Masjid * 

Located 6 km away from Madinah, the Quba Masjid was built in the village of Quba. It is the first masjid built in Madinah and the second Masjid in the world after Al Masjid-Al-Haram in Makkah. Prophet Muhammad built this Masjid after he emigrated from Makkah to Madinah. once he reached Al-Madinah, his Camel ( Nakkah) was ordered from Allah to stop at a certain location where prophet Muhammad built Quba Masjid. He spent 14 days in the Masjid while waiting for Ali (his son-in-law) to arrive to Madinah. This is the second largest and most visited Masjid in Madinah after the Prophet’s Masjid, where people gather to Pray and make their Duaa throughout the year.



* Masjid Al-Qiblatayn *

The Masjid of the Two Qiblas or Masjid Al-Qiblatayn is the site where the Holy Prophet received the commands to change the direction of prayer (Qibla) from Jerusalem to Makkah. Masjid Al-Qiblatayn was built by Sawad bin Kaab and it is amongst the few Masjids to have two mihrabs (niche indicating the qibla) in different directions.



* Al-Baqi *

The Garden of Heaven or Al-Baqi located at the southeast part of Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi,  is amongst the first cemeteries of Madinah. This is the resting place of various scholars, companions and the Prophet’s family, including Hazrat Imam Hasan Ibn Ali (his grandson) and Hazrat Fatima-Al-Zehraa (his daughter). It is believed that the Prophet himself chose this spot to be a cemetery. Al-Baqi (an Ansari companion) was the first person to be buried here. He died soon after the Prophet migrated to Madinah.

The cemetery is opened after Fajr and Asar prayers, and the best way to enter it is through gate number 1 of Masjid-Al-Nabawi.



* Mount Uhud *

Located about 4 km away from the Prophet’s Masjid, Mount Uhud is an important Islamic landmark as this was the site where the Battle of Uhud was fought between a force from the Muslim community in Madinah led by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and a force led by Abu Sufyan Ibn Harb from Makkah. There is a cemetery near the site where the martyrs of the battle are buried. The cemetery contains 70 martyrs, including Hamza Ibn Abdul Muttalib, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) declared “This mountain loves us and we loves it”.



* Masjid Al-Jummah *

A night visit to the Masjid where it is located on the boundary of Madinah about 2.5 kilos from Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi, marks the site where the Prophet (Pbuh) led his first Jummah prayer. this occurred shortly after his migration from Makkah. Approximately one hundred Muslims participated in this first Jummah prayer amongst them were the prophet relatives from Bani A- Najjar who come to meet him and some from Bani Amr who had escorted him from Quba, After performing the friday prayer, the prophet mouted Qaswa (his she camel) and set off for the city of Madinah.

According to Ibn Jaber the prophet delivered his sermon (Khutbah).



* Seven Mosques *

Also Know as the Sabaa Masajid, is a complex of a small historic mosques, located on the western side of the Sala mountain in Madinah, Sabaa means seven and they were named so because the group originally consisted of seven mosques. 



* Al-Madinah Museum *

This is the very first museum that was built in the city of Madinah. It portrays the history of Islam and also holds various archaeological collections, rare images of the city and visual galleries. There are at least 2000 artefacts depicting the rich and vibrant Islamic heritage in the museum. It is located on King Abdul Road in the Madinah Knowledge Economic City. It is the oldest museum in the city and presents the rich Islamic heritage along with the details of Prophet Muhammad’s life.

Madinah museum timings are from 11 am to 7 pm. It is open from Saturday to Thursday, and is closed on Friday.



* Salman Farsi Farm *

The land on which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) planted three hundred date palms to free Salman Farsi from slavery, it is located near by Masjid Quba.